Joint Ventures In Real Estate Development; So How Do They Work?

Written by Colm Dillon

Continued from page 1

OK, back to getting hold of some land.

Get to knowrepparttar local real estate agents; I mean know them well. Remember what I say inrepparttar 104001 ebook.

Call in and buy them a cup of coffee, take them out of their work place; what about dinner after work; really spread yourself around.

Invest your Time in finding good, well informed, dedicated agents. Believe me they are in your business community ... it's your job to find them.

Appreciate that Agents are essentially self-employed, irrespective of whether they work in a Real Estate Agency ... their 'mind set' is independent.

They back themselves and their abilities to provide a sales service at a level that "consistantly" provides them with a 'good income.

That 'good income' byrepparttar 104002 way, will leave most of their 'client's' income looking a little anaemic.

The 'good agents' are busy; their 'time' is money; literally. So don't mess them around.

Don't talk to them as though you arerepparttar 104003 Aga Kahn! You're Not. There's always a guy richer than you ... mayberepparttar 104004 Agent!

Why am I making such a big point about agents.

I believe "people" getrepparttar 104005 agents "they deserve."

I have heard people talk to Agents as though they were some grubby leech on society and are doing them an honor even to talk to them.

To be a successful agent these days you have to be very good. Many are highly educated and choose real estate as a career forrepparttar 104006 freedom, individual reward and great returns.

What comes out of your mouth + body language tells an agent a great deal about you. They then wonder whyrepparttar 104007 Agent never calls then ... Dong!!!

Keep your 'ego' under control. Their sales success rests on their ability at 'reading people.' Remember what I say in my ebook!

When you are inrepparttar 104008 development business, you are inrepparttar 104009 business of:

Getting People To Do ... What You Want Them To Do Within The 'TIME' AND 'Costs'You Set.

That means that you have to be in control of 'How You Treat People.' Agents know a lot of people ... maybe, they even know those people who want to JV with you.

While you are doing this "work" don't forget to do what my ebook tell you to do about research.

Last idea for finding JV people - talk to your friends - put an advert inrepparttar 104010 local newspaper seeking expressions of interest from people interested in doing what you want.

OK, you've found a partner who hasrepparttar 104011 land and you are comfortable withrepparttar 104012 relationship after several meetings.

Important question! What value does your prospective partner put on his land that will be put intorepparttar 104013 JV?

Just throwing a few figures around to give you an example.

Let's say that market value for his land right now is $300,000. But he wants to put intorepparttar 104014 JV at $400,000. So if your JV Agreement involves you gaining a share ofrepparttar 104015 profit, your share will be $100,000 less. Got It?

Now let's say that part of your skills contribution torepparttar 104016 JV includes a rezoning ofrepparttar 104017 land to a higher level and you achieve that forrepparttar 104018 JV. That rezoning may takerepparttar 104019 land from a single unit (house) dwelling zone to a six dwelling unit zone.

Your efforts have increasedrepparttar 104020 land value significantly ... no, not six times, as house properties are valued differently to multiple unit properties. But it may have increased by 3 or more times, depending on your market.

Once againrepparttar 104021 $100,000 will come off your share. Now that may be OK by you, because you are just starting out on your first development ... it is always better to KNOW what you are agreeing too.

I hope this information helps you in your consideration of entering a JV. but please remember, don't just read my eBook ... study it ... take notes in a special hard cover Development Copy Book that you will buy.

Writing things down is an aid to learning and remembering.

My LAST DON'T ... Don't start any of this JV stuff until you know my eBook inside out. You must not just be able to 'talkrepparttar 104022 talk' - you must know what you are talking about.

What I am all about, is helping you to do residential development withrepparttar 104023 RISK reduced.

If it takes four years study to get a basic Degree and say another five years to get some experience, why would you think that you can enterrepparttar 104024 development business with little study -- no experience and expect to be profitable?

"Residential Development Made Easy" is written by Colm Dillon, the 'Real Estate Development Coach' and is the only 'How To Become a Residential Real Estate Developer's eBook on the web; it's selling in 63 Countries, from his experience of developing $1.2 Billion worth of real estate - read more on his web site

Real Estate Development Marketing - A Specialist Article For Those Interested In Real Estate Development

Written by Colm Dillon

Continued from page 1

Understand this: People SELL for Money ... People BUY with Emotion.

If they don't feel good in your place, it does not matter if you give then 12 of these and 20 of those ... OK?

I have always DEVELOPED and MARKETED onrepparttar basis of appealing torepparttar 104000 human senses of See - Feel - Touch - Smell & Sound.

I transfer all those into my designs, because I am designing and building for 'Humans Beings' and human beings buy with emotions ... and if I do my work well, I'll make a profit.

So as a buyer, if a house looks good when I drive up to inspect it, I am favouable disposed to buy before I openrepparttar 104001 garden gate.

When my feet touchrepparttar 104002 pathway/ entrance foyer and seerepparttar 104003 lovely landscaping my desire to buy is enhanced.

As I enterrepparttar 104004 house and feelrepparttar 104005 ambience ofrepparttar 104006 house envelop me I respond in a positive way to buy, if I feel emotionally comfortable inrepparttar 104007 space.

When I smell allrepparttar 104008 new house smells, it translates into 'fresh' 'clean' 'new' and who doesn't want to buy fresh new things.

When I closerepparttar 104009 door ofrepparttar 104010 house I enjoy hearingrepparttar 104011 sound of silence, which is conducive to rest and recuperation after a hard days work.

Think about how you respond to each house you inspect as you go about gaining market knowledge. Do you see, it does not matter how many 'bibs & bobs'repparttar 104012 place has ... if they don't feel emotionally comfortable inrepparttar 104013 place, they won't BUY!

Can you see why this is my number one topic?

So naturally I write about it a great deal in Residential Developmemnt Made Easy.

So now you have some idea why marketing starts as soon as you open your 'baby blue eyes' every morning ... marketing is a direct reflection of who you are and how you expresss yourself in creating beautiful livable space FOR HUMAN BEINGS.

The 'by-product' happens to be 'money.' And if you do it very well, it happens to be 'Lots of Money.

Colm Dillon author of "Residential Development Made Easy" the only "How To" Become a Developer eBook, selling in 63 Countries, has developed $1.2 Billion worth of real estate - read more on his web site

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